Inaugural ‘UniverCity’ to begin in March
by Nicole Bradford
From water and sewer to police, an inaugural program offered by the city will give locals an inside view of all its inner workings.
Applications are open now for the first-ever “UniverCity of Pearland” class, an eight-week class free to residents 18 and up who are curious about how their community works.
The program will meet on Thursdays beginning March 27, and applications will be accepted until March 13 or until the class is full — the first class will be limited to 20 participants. Each session will begin with a 5:30 p.m. light dinner with a presentation from 6 to 8 p.m.
Locations will vary depending on that evening’s presentation, including City Hall, Fire Administration, Law Enforcement Training Center, Surface Water Treatment Plant, Recreation Center, and EPW Building.
Applicants must be registered to vote in Texas, be a city resident, and commit to attending all sessions, among other requirements. Graduates will be recognized at the May 19 City Council meeting at City Hall.
For Information or to register, go to