
From the Cluttered Desk: When you drop the ball

by Dr. David Davis This is the time of the year when football fanatics are in the prime of their life. Football season is just...

From the Cluttered Desk: Phases when you enter senior adulthood

I’ve said quite often and heard others say the same thing. “Getting old is the pits!” I find this season of my life very interesting,...

From the Cluttered Desk: Life is measured by what you have learned

One thing I have a hard time with is being around people who seem to be so miserable. Do you know what I mean?...

From the Cluttered Desk: Paying respect to our flag and national anthem

Each time that our high school athletic teams participate against an opponent, we take time to honor our flag, country, and national anthem. Whether I...

Congratulations Class of 2023

This month I would like to switch from my Publisher hat to my Teacher hat to focus on an exceptional group whose achievements deserve...

