Libraries provide respite during summer


A hotter-than-average summer remains unrelenting as August approaches.
Cooling centers remain open as fans, AC units and water donations are requested for those without air conditioning.

The Red Cross is encouraging those without air conditioning to seek relief in “cooling centers” during the hottest part of the day. In Pearland, these cooling centers include both local libraries, the Tom Reid branch at 3522 Liberty Drive and west branch at 2803 Business Center Drive.

Countywide cooling centers will remain open through Sept. 30 through a partnership among the United Way of Brazoria County, Brazoria County Library System, Brazoria County Dream Center and Gulf Coast Transit District. Those without transportation to cooling centers should call the Gulf Coast Transit District at 800-266-2320.

Organizations and individuals that would like to donate cases of bottled water are encouraged to drop them off at any of the twelve libraries throughout the county.

At the Pearland Neighborhood Center, the Cool Deal Fan Program is collecting donations of new fans and AC units at 2335 North Texas Ave. in addition to its annual summer food drive.

At City Hall, Mayor Kevin Cole had declared “No tie June, July and August” for city council and staff.

“It’s 400 degrees outside,” he said, “so let’s get somewhat comfortable and settle in for the summer.”

The forecast for the coming week has little variety, staying hot and sunny through the weekend. Early August brings a 32 percent chance of isolated thunderstorms next Thursday and Saturday, according to forecasters.

Jim Foreman


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