Farmers Market Hosts Fundraiser with Unique ‘Pets of the Friendswood Farmers Market’


The Friendswood Farmers Market is excited to announce a special fundraiser event featuring the much-anticipated “Pets of the Friendswood Farmers Market” calendars. This unique calendar showcases the delightful variety of dogs, birds, lizards, and guinea pigs that frequent the market, capturing the heart and spirit of our community.

The Friendswood Farmers Market, known for its vibrant atmosphere and commitment to local vendors, is held on the first Saturday of every month. This weekend’s market, taking place at the Friends Church, will launch this charming fundraiser.

Each calendar is filled with beautifully captured images of our furry, feathery, or even scaly friends who have become a staple at the market. Each month, from the playful pups to the serene birds features a different animal, bringing a smile to all who see it.

Proceeds from the calendar sales will go towards supporting the ongoing efforts of the Friendswood Farmers Market in promoting local artisans and fostering a strong community spirit. By purchasing a calendar, patrons not only get a delightful collection of photos but also contribute to a cause that benefits the entire Friendswood community.

We invite everyone to join us at the Friends Church for the Friendswood Farmers Market this Saturday. It’s a perfect opportunity to pick up a “Pets of the Friendswood Farmers Market” calendar, enjoy the local produce and crafts, and be part of a community that celebrates togetherness and the joy of our furry, feathered, and scaly friends.

For more information, please visit or contact


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