Pearland voters fill two council seats


by Nicole Bradford

Mona Chavarria

Garnering nearly 63 percent of the vote, Pearland council Position No. 6 candidate Chad Thumann is the apparent winner of Saturday’s special election, along with Mona Chavarria, the lone candidate for position No. 3.

Results of the Dec. 9 council election will be made official by canvassing scheduled Dec. 18 at City Hall.

The election allowed city voters to choose who will serve the remainder of terms for councilmen Alex Kamkar and Jeffrey Barry, who are both stepping down from their city leadership roles to seek the Republican nomination for House District 29, a post being vacated by State Rep. Ed Thompson.

According to the county elections office, a total of 2,173 ballots were cast, with 152 of those by mail. One of those ballots was not counted, as the “voter walked off and did not deposit ballot in the scanner,” the elections office noted.

Chad Thumann

Kamkar’s Position No. 3 seat expires in May 2026, and Barry’s Position No. 6 term ends in May 2025. All council positions are at-large.

Thumann received 1,353 total votes vs. opponents Veronica Kreuder Longoria with 571 and Diana Antezana with 234.


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