
Friendswood Police Report

Missing Person The Friendswood Police Department is searching for Mary Louise Marchand, 46 years old. She is a white female, 5 feet 7 inches, and...

Local author finds purpose in her pain

By Karolyn Gephart Local author/teacher/counselor Barbara Gruener has published her fourth book, which arose from deepest despair and love. The book is Birdie & Mipps,...

Friendswood Police Report

Burglary May 14 (5:42 a.m.) A burglary in progress was reported at Sole’d Out, a shoe store located at 2300 Old Road, Suite 108. The...

Ives Honored as Officer of the Year

Officer Jason Ives has been named Officer of the Year by the 50 Club of Galveston County. This prestigious recognition is awarded annually to...

