On October 11, Friendswood Police Department (FPD) responded to an incident involving a violent suspect in the vicinity of Windsong Elementary. The situation unfolded...
On October 7, 2024, Arturo Villarreal, 41, of Houston, was charged with Theft >=$2,500<$30,000. The charge is the result of a bank jugging investigation...
Oct. 10 (8:47 p.m.) A vehicle burglary was reported at Centennial Park, 2200 S. Friendswood Drive. It occurred between 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m....
What are your campaign focuses?
Implement an academically effective, rigorous curriculum.
Enforce safe schools and strict discipline policies.
Advocate for teachers, teacher autonomy and effective leadership that...
What are your campaign focuses?
My campaign focuses are on maintaining the district’s strong financial position, managing budget restraints, and ensuring the continual enhancement of...