
Houston hosts celebrity soccer gala

An International Soccer Festival Celebrity Gala happening in Houston Sept. 29 will raise money for BlueCheck Ukraine, the U.S. Soccer Foundation, and the International...

Parks and Wildlife annual drawing

An annual drawing for 10 guided hunting excursions is being held as fundraiser for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Money raised through the Big...

Schools urge patience with buses

Local schools have begun classes and administrators are asking parents and students to be patient with both pick-up and drop-off procedures as well as...

Pearland moves into Stage 1 drought

With more unrelenting heat and little rain in the forecast, the City of Pearland this week entered Stage 1 drought restrictions, requesting that residents...

City honors PHS softball coach

By N. Bradford Pearland city leaders this month recognized Pearland High softball coach Laneigh Clark with a proclamation at City Hall and a standing ovation. Clark,...

