
Short Film Fest opens January 20

The second annual ShortFlix Film Fest is set for Jan. 20-25 at the Pearl Theatre, highlighting area films of all genres that are 12...

Filing opens soon for May 3 local elections

Candidate filing begins Jan. 15 for May 3 local elections, which include three seats on the Pearland City Council as well as positions on...

Pearland Police Report

Below are highlights from reports filed during the past week by Pearland Police. Incident and arrest reports are public record and are available online...

Oilers head coach Tony Heath inducted into Texas Bowl Gridiron Legends

In a pre-game ceremony longtime Pearland Oilers head coach Tony Heath was inducted into the Texas Bowl Gridiron Legends. The Gridiron Legends program honors...

Scholarship dinner planned January 25

The annual Scholarship Steak Dinner, Auction, and Dance with Constable Buck Stevens has been scheduled for 6 p.m. on Saturday, January 25, at Billy’s...

