
City of Pearland User-friendly map to give updates on projects

by Nicole Bradford An internet page with maps and information about city projects from water line replacements to street and drainage work is set to...

On the stage: Pearl plans short film fest, first play of 2025

by Nicole Bradford The Pearl Theater's second annual ShortFlix Film Fest is set for Jan. 20-25, with filmmakers submitting short works of 12 minutes or...

Massey Oaks addition plans for 634 homes

by Nicole Bradford A 220-acre tract south of Old Massey Ranch Road is set to become part of the Massey Oaks development with lots for...

Parks and Trails plan to get an update

by Nicole Bradford The master plan of Pearland's parks and trails will soon be updated, and it is expected to include potential new park space. "We...

MUD annexation was completed in final reading

by Nicole Bradford Pearland City Council on December 16 passed the final of two required ordinance readings to annex Municipal Utility District November 16, which...

