The Cost of Freedom


From St. Paul…

”You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve each other humbly in love.  14  For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  15  If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” – Galatians 5:13-15

I’m writing these words from Amherst, MA and by the time you read them I will be back in Pearland prepping my family’s fourth of July celebration… as Amherst is home to both Amherst College (founded in 1821 with a ‘mammoth’ for its mascot as a mammoth skeleton has been on campus since the 1920’s) and UMass (founded in 1863 with a mascot name ‘minutemen’… those who readied themselves in a moment’s notice back in the 1770’s )… one a private college and the other funded by public dollars… and it is noteworthy to report people were living in this part of the country as early as the 1730’s only reminding us education and patriotism run pretty deep around here…

So, wherever you find yourself or whenever your eyes cross these words… Happy 4 th of July to all of y’all and I hope you will take a moment in the midst of burgers and brats and fireworks to consider the cost of freedom… how you got yours and what you are doing with it… as St. Stephen of Stills once wrote…

“Find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground Mother earth will swallow you, lay your body down.
Find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground; Mother earth will swallow you, lay your body down…”

A Jesus truth, huh? … as in… “no greater love is there than one person giving up their own life for another…”

So… what does freedom look like to you? How much do YOU think it costs? Or better yet… how much are YOU willing to spend or sacrifice to assure the best life possible for those around you? Faith matters… it always does and what we believe deep in our hearts is what ends up showing up before others… our witness to what is upright and true… or living our lives in such a manner… only to disappoint everyone around us and most likely God along the way as well…

These are honest questions at a time such as this… and call into question every young person who has said to me… “it’s a free country… I can do whatever I want…” to which I’ve often replied… “yes, you are right… it is a free country, and you don’t want to know what I’m thinking right now if I have the same freedom as you to do whatever I want…” It’s actually a good conversation starter for the generations to discuss over burgers, brats and watermelon just before the fireworks go off! And listen, no one has to live in the U S of A… you can live anywhere you want… but if you do… remember there are always outcomes to choices… like what John Green said about living abroad… “Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth it is a city of freedom. And in freedom, most people find sin.” Yes, we can and yes, we do… so… please join me in a prayer that can be for all of us… near and far… here and there and just about everywhere…

“Creator God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus, your Son. Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth… bringing love and grace to all whom we meet…, that, in your good time, all may serve you in harmony throughout the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord; Amen.”

Happy 4th of July! The cost of freedom is ours!

The Rev. Dr. Brian K. Gigee is a long-time resident of Pearland, having pastored four churches over the last four decades in Texas and Louisiana. Read more following Brian’s blog ‘murmurings’ at Send comments and/or questions to

Rev. Dr. Brian Gigee
Rev. Dr. Brian Gigee
The Rev. Dr. Brian K. Gigee is a long-time resident of Pearland, having pastored four churches over the last four decades in Texas and Louisiana. Read more following Brian’s blog ‘murmurings’ at Send comments and/or questions to


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