Before I was in grade school until 8th grade my dad was THE “bread winner” at our house! How? He drove a Wonder Bread truck and had his own route including grocery stores and unfolding fast-food chains like McDonald’s, The Red Barn and Burger King. It was a good job for him. He felt like he was doing something good for others. He was most proud of the plaque on the side of his truck “SAFE DRIVER—12 Years.” Life was good and every day in school my lunch was filled with Twinkies, Cupcakes, Ho-Ho’s or a fruit pie! At Halloween time my dad would bring home boxes of small 8 oz. miniature loaves of Wonder Bread that my parents handed to “trick-or-treaters” who came to the door while my friends and I wandered the neighborhood for candy and gum. My school friends bring that memory up from time to time when I find myself back in Ohio. The label on the loaf was filled with the slogan… “It’s Slo-Baked” and the radio announcer would say… “Wonder Bread with the Red, Yellow & Blue balloons printed on the wrapper” and then this one… “Builds Strong Bodies 8 Ways!” If you don’t believe me or never saw a Wonder Bread wrapper check this out…
…and what American parent didn’t want that for their child in 1965? What makes us strong? Bread helps, but there’s more to it than that; especially in the Church… as Jesus reminded the devil when tempted in the wilderness… quoting Deuteronomy 8:2-3… “humans don’t live on bread alone… but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.…”
In the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, there is a description of what the early church did and how they watched out for each other… “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.” (Acts 2:42-43) as this is the first true biblical reference of the church being the church! It is an image we must never forget as well as seek ways to keep this at the heart of our own personal work and ministry… Faith matters!
In the midst of lives that were at risk daily, the disciples followed the command of Jesus to baptize, preach and teach and as they did the people who claimed Christ as Lord made sure certain things happened. They made sure they learned as much of Jesus’ way as possible; they made worship a priority and ‘remembered’ Jesus at the Lord’s Supper in the breaking of the bread; they prayed for and with each other as they played with each other… as staying close like this provided protection in a time when following Jesus was a crime. Yet… we don’t have 8 ways… there are many many more… and we build up the body of Christ by building up our personal spiritual posture… as God is always concerned about our “whole-life” not just our bodies… so take a moment to consider the Bible’s simple list of seven faith practices simple and powerful verbs… PRAY, WORSHIP, STUDY, INVITE, ENCOURAGE, GIVE & SERVE! For as we do, this is when we find the church that is us… being the church that the world needs!