Hotel standards still on radar


Nicole Bradford

An ongoing discussion about hotel quality in Pearland could lead to more regulations, but the question now is how much is too much.

After considering the topic over the summer, the city council asked staff to research what other cities are doing, particularly with the practice of “de-flagging” — when national brand hotels opt to operate independently.

The city’s Planning and Zoning Commission took up the topic on Nov. 6.

“Our goal is to make sure we keep brands, and to provide a clear step forward for people who may not have a branded hotel to bring that site into compliance,” said Martin Griggs, assistant director of Community Development.

Not all the P&Z commissioners were on board with brand regulations.

“I know a Hilton owner — not in Pearland — who has to do $2 million in renovations in the next few years,” Commissioner Henry Fuertes said. “In today’s financial climate, that’s an interest rate of 8 to 10 percent. Some of these hoteliers are going to have to make a choice.”

Commissioner Angela McCathran agreed.

“I really don’t like making a mandate that you have to be associated with a Hilton or Marriott,” McCathran said. “I’ve stayed at some very lovely places that don’t have that. They’re boutiques — they don’t have all the amenities but they’re in great locations and people enjoy them.”

At the council discussion in July, the proposed minimum requirements included the number of rooms, maintained amenities, and conference space that would ensure continued investment in those properties.


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