Texas Master Naturalists’ interns to begin January 20


The Brazoria chapter of Texas Master Naturalist held their monthly meeting Wednesday morning, December 13, at the AgriLife building in Angleton.

Melanie Hollenshead, intern training director, reported the spring intern class would begin on January 20 at the AgriLife building. For those wanting more information or to sign up, see   https://txmn.org/tmncot/intern-training.

John Boettiger, membership director, reported that Angela Griffin and Lisa Martiniz attained 1,000 volunteer hours and Kathy Purvis 500 volunteer hour milestones. November recertifications were Bell Adriance, Susan Conaty, Mike Hamby, Kyle Purvis, Brenda Stitt, and Cindy Vincent. Members must have eight hours of advanced training and 40 volunteer hours to recertify.

This year to date, members have impacted 4,989 adults and 21,976 youth through outreach programs and educational programs such as the “Birds of Prey” programs presented at area schools, Brazoria County Summer Library Programs, and the Discovery Environmental Education Program for area 4th and 7th graders at Brazoria NWR.

December’s featured speaker was Jarrett (Woody) Woodrow, USFWS Coastal Restoration Biologist, whose topic was “Restoration Actions for Bird Habitats on the Texas Mid-Coast.”

Woodrow’s presentation provided an overview of restoration actions primarily for birds on the Texas Mid-Coast. Some were specific projects, and others were initiatives: restoring colonial waterbird nesting islands and American oystercatcher islands, improving grasslands, and restoring habitat for the Eastern Black Rail, as well as approaches to protecting somewhat intact habitats.

The next meeting is at 6 pm on January 10 at the AgriLife building, 21017 County Road 171, Angleton. The public is welcome to attend.

Staff Report


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