PISD to undergo curriculum audit


By Nicole Bradford

Pearland ISD trustees on Dec. 12 authorized a “curriculum management audit” for the school district, but administrators and trustees don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.
“We are outstanding as a district; we compare to the top,” Trustee Nanette Weimer said regarding the district-wide audit that will take place in the new year. “I don’t want anybody to think that something is wrong — that’s not the case at all.”

The board unanimously approved a $103,358 contract with the Texas Association of School Administrators to analyze curriculum, instructional practices, and assessments to ensure alignment with state standards and “determine any instructional barriers that prevent student success.”

The audit will examine all grade levels in four core areas: math, reading, science, and social studies.

“Most of the time, it’s the business office that gets audited,” Superintendent Larry Berger said. “We have facility audits. We have a transportation audit going on. This is not to look at past mistakes, but future successes.”

The process is expected to take about 13 weeks, and the final product will be a 300 to 500-page report with recommendations.

“If there is an opportunity to strengthen what we are doing, a second set of eyes from outside the district is always a good thing,” Trustee Crystal Carbone said.

Staff Report


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