A Whimsical Paradise will be open for view at Bob and Lynda Anderson’s home in The Forest of Friendswood. It is part of the 2024 Annual Heritage Gardener Spring Garden Tour April 27-28, and tours will run 1-5 pm both days.
Tourgoers will admire the courtyard-style side yard that the Andersons designed from a Street of Dreams Design idea. A step pathway has recently been redesigned to offer light-colored travertine rectangular tiles. It leads to a covered patio that includes an outdoor kitchen.
Beautiful pots, garden art, and plants surround the yard. Trees include River birch, crape myrtles, Chinese fringe, and a Japanese maple. Beautiful potted plants are displayed nicely through their garden beds. The Andersons are the original owners of the home, which was built 22 years ago.
The yard will give tourgoers ideas on ways to make a backyard very inviting and wonderful for entertaining.
The Anderson house is one of five gardens available on the annual tour. Tickets are available at local businesses for the tour on Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 pm.
The annual garden club spring event will also offer a huge Plant Sale, Spring Vendor Market, Ask a Master Gardener opportunities to have garden problems solved, raffles, and three gardening presentations inside the clubhouse on Saturday. Creating a Pollinator Garden by Master Gardener Chris Anastas will occur from 9 to 9:30 am.
Growing Fruit in Your Backyard will be presented by Fruit Specialist Robert Marshall from 10 to 11 am. Successfully Growing Plumeria will be presented by Master Gardener Loretta Osteen from 11:30 to 12:30. Anyone interested is invited to attend. There is no pre-registration for the three events.
All events other than the tours will take place at 112 W. Spreading Oaks in Friendswood.
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