Friendswood Police Report


Missing Person

The Friendswood Police Department is searching for Mary Louise Marchand, 46 years old. She is a white female, 5 feet 7 inches, and weighs 170 pounds. She was last seen wearing a black hijab, black dress, multi-color leggings, and black tennis shoes, in the 1100 block of Peregrine Drive, at approximately 10:00 PM, on May 24, 2024. Marchand has several diagnosed mental health conditions and is without her medication. The Friendswood Police Department believes she is on foot and is asking residents in the Eagle Lakes, Falcon Ridge, and West Ranch neighborhoods to check their cameras for any potential footage of Ms. Marchand to assist in this investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Friendswood Police Department at 281-996-3300.


May 21 (10:25 p.m.) Friendswood Police pursued a stolen black Ford F250 from the Shell station in the 2200 block of W. Parkwood, west on FM 528 to Moore Road, east of Hwy 35, then onto County Road 281 where the driver sunk the vehicle in a field near the railroad tracks and fled on foot. The truck was stolen in Manvel on May 16th.

Criminal Mischief

May 22 (2:07 p.m.) A window was damaged at a home in the 600 block of Stoneledge Drive. A BB was found near the window. A camera at the top of the window showed the damage occurred at 1:36 p.m., but an image of the suspect was not captured.


May 20 (10:18 a.m.) A Friendswood man’s Jack in the Box app was hacked and used to make five separate online pick-up orders in Spring.
May 21 (8:38 a.m.) A local plumbing business issued three business checks to three of its employees. The checks were deposited or cashed. He later discovered that the same checks were reissued to another payee.
May 23 (10:59 a.m.) An AT&T account was opened using a Friendswood business name. The suspect purchased an iPhone, iPad, and a service plan and sent the bill to the business. This may be linked to the AT&T security breach in April.
May 24 (10:09 a.m.) A Friendswood woman was on her computer when she received a pop-up screen that froze her laptop followed by a hack alert. Fortunately, the woman recognized the scam and did not send any money to the hackers.


May 20 (7:21 p.m.) A warrant is pending for the arrest of a 49-year-old Alvin man who is accused of displaying a firearm during a road rage incident in the 2900 block of W. Bay Area Blvd.


A male suspect, 23, of Houston, was charged with Fraudulent Use/Possession of Identifying Information. He had a large amount of cash, cashier’s checks, and credit/debit cards containing the names of multiple different persons, a laptop and printer with check paper for cashier’s checks, and a gun.
A male suspect, 17, of Friendswood, was charged with Injury to a Disabled Person, a 3rd degree felony.
A male suspect, 42, of Pearland, was charged with Failure to Identify – Fugitive.
A female suspect, 25, of Alvin, was charged with No Driver’s License and No Insurance.
A male suspect, 53, of Friendswood, was charged with operating a bicycle on the wrong side of the roadway, operating a bicycle on a sidewalk, and disregarding a stop sign.
A male suspect, 33, of Galveston, was charged with two counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. He pointed a gun at two people at McDonalds, located at 100 W. Parkwood Avenue, after he was confronted about his parking.
A male suspect, 26, of Friendswood, was charged with two counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance in Penalty Group 1 and Tampering/Fabricating Physical Evidence. He possessed Methamphetamine and Fentanyl

Staff Report


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