

Sealed Bids will be accepted until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, July 18, 2024, and read aloud into the public record at City Hall which is located at 3519 Liberty Dr Pearland, Texas 77581 for the following project:

McLean Water Operations Facility Rehabilitation
City of Pearland, Texas
COP PN: WA2202
BID NO.: ITB 0424-21

The project will entail rehabilitation work associated with the existing McLean Water Production Facility. Process work to be performed under this Contract will be in relation to the booster pump station being served by the on-site GST, well piping providing water to the GST, and electrical upgrades associated with the existing pump control building, including repairs to building painting. Process piping, valves, fittings, booster vertical turbine pumps, and associated controls will be replaced with new controls. Overall site improvements will include the removal and replacement of site security fencing with new chain-link fencing, including new access gates, paving access, vegetative site screening along McLean Rd, per Community Development requirements, and backup generation replacement (replace existing diesel generator with new natural gas generator), and other work as described in the plan set.

A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held in person at the City of Pearland Engineering and Public Works Facility located at 2016 Old Alvin Road, Pearland, Texas 77581 at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 11, 2024.

All bids should be submitted through the E-Bid system located on the City’s website at: All interested Bidders are advised to register as a “supplier” on the City’s E-Bid System at the above website by clicking on “Supplier Registration” and completing a short registration questionnaire. Electronic Bid Documents, including Plans, Technical Specifications and Bid Forms are available for download after registration is approved by City Purchasing office. No plan fees or deposits are required for bid documents obtained through the City’s E-bid System. Questions regarding electronic bidding should be directed to City Purchasing Office at

Bid Documents are also available for review at the following plan houses:

Amtek Plan Room (713) 956-0100
The Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. (713) 334-7100
Virtual Builders Exchange (832) 613-0201
McGraw Hill Construction – Dodge Reports (800) 393-6343

Bid Security, in the form of Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, or Bid Bond, payable to the City of Pearland in the amount of 5% of the total base bid price, must accompany each Bid proposal. See Instructions to Bidders for Bond submittal information and instructions.
The City of Pearland reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Frances Aguilar, TRMC, MMC
City Secretary, City of Pearland

First Publication date: July 3, 2024
Second Publication date: July 10, 2024

Staff Report


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