September – a great month for gardening


By Karolyn Gephart

September is a great month for gardening. The weather will offer sunny, cooler days, and local nurseries have received bedding plants, vegetables, fall herbs, and more.
This month and October are the best months to divide and transplant daylilies, Louisiana iris, bearded iris, violets, Shasta daisies, and phlox if they are crowded.

Prune perennials such as salvia, Penta, buddleia, and lantana by one-third; water and fertilize for a good fall show.

Plant alyssum, snapdragons, petunias, stock, and Sweet William seeds. Sow spring wildflower seeds such as Texas bluebell, bluebonnets, and Indian paintbrush in late September or early October.

Transplant petunias and dianthus and leave spreading room for the petunias.
Fertilize roses as needed, but do not fertilize after September to allow roses to go into dormancy.

Start planting parsley, carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage transplants. Tomato enthusiasts need to get their varieties planted now.

By the end of September, begin planting beets, chard, collards, kohlrabi, English peas, Irish potatoes, radishes, and spinach.

It’s a great time to ensure all gardening tools are clean before and after use, and always remember to wear gloves when working with garden soil.

A great place to get plants that are great for growing in Galveston County is being hosted by Galveston County Master Gardeners online from noon on September 13 to noon on September 14. The sale will offer fall tomatoes, fruit and citrus trees, plumeria, and perennials. To shop and see what will be offered, go to and click on the word SHOP.

A hands-on workshop for t-bud grafting is being offered by Galveston County Master Gardeners on September 14, 2024, from 9 to 11 am at the Discovery Garden in Carbide Park at 4102 B Main St. (FM 519) in La Marque. Those attending will explore methods used on peach, plum, pear, apple, and other fruit trees. The workshop is limited to the first 20 persons who register at

A Plumeria Care in Winter presentation will be given on October 5, 2024, from 1 to 3 pm at the above location. The best techniques for cultivating and winterizing plumeria trees for successful growth will be offered.

Galveston County Master Gardeners will host their third annual Fall Festival and Plant Sale on Saturday, October 12, 2024, in Carbide Park. More details on the event will come soon.

Time to plant snapdragon seeds.

Staff Report


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