City says ‘no’ to Fite property rezone


by Nicole Bradford

Pearland City Council on September 9 unanimously rejected a zone change that would allow the development of 38 single-family lots north of Fite Road across from the Pearland Area Dad’s Club.

“If this was my house across from the ballfield, I don’t think I would want 38 small homes nestled in there,” said Councilman Chad Thumann, who also expressed concerns about traffic on Fite.

At just over 9 acres, the property is currently zoned as low-density residential. The higher residential zoning would have allowed more lots, but how it would have affected Morenci Street to the north was unknown.

“This property touches Morenci. The right of way of Morenci dead ends at the north property line of this property,” said Martin Griggs, assistant director of Community Development.

While the developer’s plans don’t call for a Morenci connection, city staff pointed out that the city’s development codes state that developments need to connect to existing streets.
Going forward, the property owner can either develop it with a lower density with fewer than 30 homesites or, as a planned development, a type of customized zoning.
“This is going to be an issue that we see over and over again,” Mayor Kevin Cole said. “We have these 10, 15-acre parcels — these same issues are going to come into play.”

Staff Report


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