Annexation votes set Dec. 9 and 16: Decision on MUD No. 16 to be decided in two readings


by Nicole Bradford

The City of Pearland’s proposed annexation of a Municipal Utility District encompassing Hickory Slough Sportsplex and several neighborhoods will be considered in two readings at City Hall on December 9 and December 16.

Formed in 1987, Brazoria County MUD No. 16 includes Avalon Terrace 1 and 2 and Lakeside Estates, the sportsplex, and a proposed commercial development known as Asian Town on 12 acres fronting FM 518. That development will include a grocery store followed by two retail phases.

MUD No. 16 President William Frost said HOAs’ feedback regarding finances has been mostly neutral.

“There’s realization that in the long term, the city taxes may be more than what the MUD district taxes could be, but in return they’re also going to get reduced water bills.”

As part of the city, residents would receive city fire and police protection, in-city parks and recreation rates, street and drainage maintenance, in-city water and sewer rates, and waste pickup.

Avalon Terrace HOA board member Tori Forsberg said she heard about the annexation plan on September 26, and the news has raised questions among residents, including parking at the sportsplex and the long-term impacts of annexation.

“There’s no way the city can afford to pay the amount of money you’re going to pay to annex us in the city without something in return, right? Those are the questions from homeowners,” she said at the first public hearing on November 11. “There’s a lot of questions we would like more information on.”

At a second public hearing on November 18, resident Vincent Johnson asked that the city be timely in implementing city services in the area.

The December readings are set to occur at regular city council meetings.


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