Friendswood Board Briefs


Parks Master Plan Unveiled: Officials presented a draft 10-year Parks and Recreation Master Plan identifying key priorities including construction of a recreation center, trail network expansion, and swimming pool development. The plan will be considered for adoption in March to help secure grant funding.

Election Called for May: Council ordered the city’s general election for May 3, 2025, to fill council positions 4 and 6.

Sidewalk Improvements Requested: Resident Ali Demers urged council to consider developing sidewalks along main thoroughfares including FM 528, 518 and 2351 to improve accessibility and safety. Demers cited examples of successful sidewalk networks in nearby communities.

Historical Society Reports Growth: The Friendswood Historical Society hosted over 400 people at its annual ice cream social and continues maintaining two museum properties. Former Mayor Dave Smith reported the society completed various facility improvements including wallpaper repairs at the Perry House.

Budget Amendments Approved: Council approved budget amendments accounting for approximately $3.9 million in Hurricane Barrel debris removal costs, with the city expecting to receive 75% reimbursement from FEMA and the remainder from state sources.


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