by Nicole Bradford
The firm tasked with updating Pearland’s master parks plan is launching what it describes as a robust community engagement phase.
“With all our plans, we want to make sure there is ample buy-in from the community,” said Aaron Tuley, a planner with Baxter & Woodman, the firm contracted by the city in December. “We want to make sure we are listening to them.”
The parks and trails plan update is expected to take about a year, with the presentation of a draft plan in early 2026. The first of several joint workshops regarding the plan to be held between the city council and Planning and Zoning was on Monday.
Already in the works are plans for multiple small group listening sessions, Tuley said, “as we did when we developed this plan about five years ago.”
Also planned are at least two community open houses, express surveys, and in-person engagement booths at community events such as Spring Fest.
The first community open house will likely be around April, Tuley said, with a second following and addressing the plan’s implementation.
The parks plan is updated every five years to retain the city’s eligibility for Parks and Wildlife grant funding.
The new parks plan cost approximately $280,000 and is reimbursed by the Pearland Economic Development Corp.