AISD School Board approves budget


by Nicole Bradford

Alvin ISD officials heard good news on June 11: The school board approved a $366.6 million operating budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

“We are in a position to continue the historical trend to recommend another decrease in our overall tax rate,” chief financial officer Daniel Combs said.

When voters approved the 2018 bonds, the school tax rate was $1.45 per $100 of value, he said.

“The board passed a resolution that said if this bond is approved, we make the commitment that the tax rate will not go up,” he said. “This past year we were at $1.19 — more than a 25-cent reduction.”

The school tax rate for the upcoming fiscal year won’t be adopted until September since certified values won’t be available until late July.

“But we are in a place to share that we anticipate bringing a tax rate recommendation of an additional 2 cent decrease for this next year to $1.17,” he said.

The state calculates the tax rate, which the board will consider for adoption on Sept. 10.

Student enrollment is the largest driver of revenue, he said.

“Property values going up does not increase revenue for Alvin ISD — it seems counterintuitive to the community but that’s really how the system works,” he said.


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