Nicole Bradford


Exclusive articles:

Pearland ISD Board to decide Aug. 21 on VATRE

By N. Bradford For Pearland ISD taxpayers, a possible November election comes down to nine pennies, district Superintendent Larry Berger said during the first of...

Alvin ISD trustee resigns, plans move

By N. Bradford With plans to move out of the district, west Pearland resident Vivian Scheibel has resigned from her seat on the Alvin ISD...

Enrollments open as summer slips away

By N. BRADFORD Reporter News Staff Bad news for students: Summer break is almost over. Students in Pearland ISD report to classes August 15, and Alvin ISD...

Proposal aims to fill ‘missing middle’

By N. BRADFORD Reporter News Staff A Houston builder is proposing “a multi-family development “with a single-family feel” just south of Pearland Town Center. LightHaven at Pearland...

Drainage work still front and center

By N. BRADFORD Reporter News Staff Drainage remains a priority in Pearland, where more than $18.2 million in projects are expected to be completed before the...


Applications open for game warden training

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is taking applications...

December dates set for swap shop

Pearland ISD Council of PTAs’s Swap Shop and Community...

Exhibit appeals to Lego and Star Wars fans

The Brazoria County Museum opens a new exhibit titled...

Pearland ISD Gears up to Celebrate Veterans Day

Pearland High School geared up for Veterans Day with...