
TxDOT steps up DUI enforcement

The holiday season is officially underway, with lots of office parties, neighborhood open houses and family dinners. For the friends and families of the...

Pearl debuts short film festival

The Pearl Theater is holding its first short film festival for young filmmakers Jan. 12-14. The ShortFlix Film Festival is for filmmakers 13 to 18,...

Red Cross issues winter reminders

Reminding the public that responses to home fires are 30 percent higher during winter months, the Texas Gulf Coast Region of the Red Cross...

City to look at stopgap for tree ordinance

by Nicole Bradford Responding to concerns the city's tree ordinance could hinder development, Pearland City Council will look at possible stopgap measures in the new...

Fundraiser seeks to support family of slain teen

In the midst of the holidays, 18-year-old Ethan Riley was senselessly taken from his loved ones, leaving his family and the Friendswood community gripped...

