by Nicole Bradford
A zone change needed to develop a townhome community near McHard and Old Alvin roads will likely be decided by Pearland City Council at its March 24 meeting.
The council heard a presentation on the proposal on March 10 but delayed a vote since two members were absent.
To move forward, the proposed 96-unit townhome community needs a zone change from commercial to planned development. The 12-acre, undeveloped site is north of McHard Road and west of Old Alvin Road.
During the March 10 discussion, several council members said they had trouble supporting the proposal, which generated opposition from residents at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, resulting in a negative recommendation.
Applicant Jennifer Curtis, senior planner with META Planning+Design, said the proposed community fits the “missing middle” housing described in Pearland’s comprehensive plan since more than 92 percent of Pearland’s housing is either traditional single-family or apartment complexes.
“Your workforce — first responders, teachers, young people coming out of college — can’t afford a $700,000 house,” Curtis said. “There’s not housing for them in the city. This is a goal that you have identified that we are trying to meet.”
The two-story homes would include a back patio with an average sales price of $335,000.
“We’re aiming for something that’s more obtaining for young professionals, young families and people who are downsizing,” Anthony Perez, land acquisition manager for Meritage Homes.